Monday, February 1, 2010

Ima Edi Obio

Maobong Oku
is a beautiful and dynamic dancer, instructor, and percussionist from the Efik tribe of Calabar , Nigeria . Filled with the energy of a child, the wisdom of a wise woman and the ageless spirit of a dancer, she has touched many audience's hearts. When you come see her perform, you will be mesmerized by how she radiates to the beat of the drum with an aura of light, grace and sophistication.

I had the great pleasure of being introduced to the work of Maobong Oku a short while ago and today I would like to share this jewel of Calabar with those who love Nigerian/ African culture. She is a true representative of the culture of Calabar and one with great pride in her people and her work. She has traveled the world spreading her message of love and bestowing the blessings of the ancestors on all who witness her gifts. I hope to hear much more from Maobong and that you all will help me in spreading the message of love that is so representative of African culture and that of the diaspora. Again I remind everyone to subscribe to our blog and to the Cuba Calabar Radio podcast for constant streaming of Cuban abakuá and African Ekpé music.


  1. Beyond separate syllables the inspired dancer draws sweeping symbols with her feet at once touching the Earth and then again leaping towards the Heavens to demonstrate how sounds may echo love that spans the centuries.

  2. I look forward to more posts...
